Set up a fitness room with 3G Cardio equipment because you can’t be outside all the time

By AARON DORKSEN — 3G Cardio Fitness Editor

Many people feel that fall is the most beautiful season of all.

3G Cardio Elite RB Recumbent Bike
View Elite RB Bike

The temperatures cool off and make spending time outside more enjoyable than under the scorching sun of summer. And, of course, fall foliage is beautiful to look at.

Autumn is also a great time to reinvigorate your fitness regimen.

Here are 15 ideas to fall into fitness in 2019:

  1. Get at least 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, at least three times a week. Exercising every day is ideal. Exercise can be split up or done all at once, just make sure to stay on the move and get your heart rate elevated.
  2. Walk every day. This is the easiest way to get your cardio exercise in. Enjoy fall foliage by hiking at a local park.
  3. Set up a home gym. If your busy schedule doesn’t allow you to get outside to exercise, or the weather doesn’t cooperate, it’s nice to have a home gym with exercise equipment such as a treadmill, or exercise bike. These will serve you well all year long.
  4. Visit to learn more about award-winning treadmills, exercise bikes and vibration training machines. You’ll get top quality equipment, with great warranties and customer service, at highly competitive prices.
  5. No matter what your budget or space needs, the 3G Cardio Co. has a treadmill designed to fit your life just right. The 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill (MSRP $3,999, check for current sale prices) has received numerous Best Buy awards and five-star ratings on and countless more endorsements from satisfied customers. It has engineering and components similar to commercial machines that sell for $1,000s more.
  6. Consider an exercise bike. Comfort is king with the 3G Cardio Elite RB Recumbent Bike (MSRP $1,799) and 3G Cardio Elite UB Upright Bike (MSRP $1,299).
  7. Change up your workout with interval training. This is a training method involving alternating bursts of intense activity with intervals of lighter activity. For instance, walk or jog faster for three minutes and slow it down for a minute before speeding up again.
  8. When walking, incorporate short bursts of jogging into your regular brisk walks. If you’re less fit, you might alternate leisurely walking with periods of faster walking. If you’re running, go harder for two minutes and then slow down for one.
  9. Have fun! Exercise that’s fun to do is more likely to be beneficial and repeated. So go on fun outdoor adventures. When it comes to your home gym, get equipment that you’ll enjoy using.
  10. Keep a fitness logbook. If you keep a written record of workouts it will allow you to set goals, keep track of your progress and you’ll hold yourself more accountable.
  11. Find a fall fitness buddy, or group. Fitness is always more fun when you exercise with others.
  12. Get enough Vitamin D. Fall means sweatshirt and long pants weather. When you don’t get as much sun, consider taking vitamin D supplements.
  13. Avoid sugar. It acidifies the blood and can make it easier for you to get sick.
  14. Treat yourself to new fitness clothes. This can help motivate you and make workouts more fun.
  15. Follow a healthy diet. Some people report their mood levels drop as fall moves along because it gets dark faster, but eating smart can help alleviate that.

3G Cardio fitness editor Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. Consult a doctor before making any significant changes in your exercise routine or diet. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at

15 Ideas to Fall into Fitness

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