LAS VEGAS – People attending the Health and Fitness Expo at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas Sept. 18-19 were able to try out the award-winning line of 3G Cardio Accelerated Vibration Trainers first hand.
And most everyone came away impressed with the combination of value and quality of the vibration trainers that have garnered numerous Best Buy awards.
The 3G Cardio AVT™ 6.0 Vibration Machine (MSRP $4,999), 3G Cardio AVT™ 5.0 Vibration Machine (MSRP $3,999) and 3G Cardio AVT™ 3.0 Vibration Machine (MSRP $2,499) have received numerous honors and awards ranking them at or near the top of the list for the best vibration machines in the world.
Honored by the Fitness Professor with a Best Buy Award and with numerous other laurels, the 3G Cardio AVT 6.0 Machine has a weight of 267 pounds and its workout platform (34×28) that you stand on while exercising is the same size as well-known brand’s vibration machine that‘s priced at $12,000.
The weight of a vibration machine is an excellent indicator of just how good a unit is and the 3G model “bodies” up with just about any competitor.
The overall base of the 6.0 machine measures 45x36x28 and its Hertz capacity of up to 50 and an amplitude that can be adjusted from 1-4 mm is the best there is.
“Their powerful AVT (Accelerated Vibration Training) line combine sleek aesthetics, ergonomically-correct handles and large platform into stable, well priced units that feature dual control panels (for more efficient workouts),” the Fitness Professor said.
“And yes, the have an instructional iPad app too!”
For comparisons between the leading brands of Vibration Training machines, check out these independent review sites: and
Vibration training machines create instability, which the body senses and reflexively contracts muscle tissue involuntarily to stabilize and react to the stimuli.
The result is all three types of skeletal muscles are instantaneously called into service because of the near-immediate level of fatigue. No longer is there a “progression of muscle fatigue” as in normal strength training.
AVT, also known as Whole Body Vibration Training (WBV or WBVT), can work up to 95 percent of the muscle fibers, compared to as little as 20 percent with standard equipment.