Bent over pull exercises, also known as bent over rows, performed on the 3G Cardio® AVT™ Vibration Machines help build a strong, powerful back. Here are some tips on how to do bent over pulls on the award-winning 3G Cardio machines:

Bent over pull exercises, also known as bent over rows, performed on the 3G Cardio® AVT™ 3.0, 5.0 or 6.0 Vibration Machines help build a strong, powerful back.

Stand in front of the 3G Cardio® AVT™ Vibration Machine and pull the belts upward on the side of your body. Push your chest out and shoulder-blades together and pull your arms backwards in a smooth motion. You should feel tension in your upper back and shoulder area. To train the back in different ways, adjust the length of the straps and the angle in which you are pulling.

NOTE: Consult with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program.

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