Lower abdominals exercises performed on the 3G Cardio® 5 or 6 AVT™ Vibration Machines help build a strong, defined core.

Updated 9/18/18

Lower abdominal exercises performed on the 3G Cardio® AVT™ 3.0, 5.0 or 6.0 Vibration Machines help build a strong, defined core.

Lay on the 3G cardio AVT vibration machine so that your back is on the platform and your head is extended over the edge. Hold onto the platform for support. Bring your knees to your chest and slowly extend your legs to a straightened position above you and lower them to create a straight line with your body. Tense the abdominal muscles through the range of motion.

In a slow controlled movement, keeping your legs straight, repeat this motion for the duration of the exercise timer. For a more advanced position, do not hold on, and try alternating your legs, moving just one at a time. You should feel this exercise in the lower abdominal muscles.

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