Shoulder presses performed on the 3G Cardio® 5 AVT™ or 6 AVT™ Vibration Machines help build strong, defined shoulders.
To perform a shoulder press on one of our vibration machines, position the body in a horizontal line parallel with the 3G Cardio® AVT™ Vibration Machine. Hold your hands shoulder-width apart, with legs and back straight and your head raised.
Using slow and controlled movements push your slightly bent arms toward the vibration platform and then return to the starting position. This exercise is perfect for shoulders and upper arms.
Vary the amount of pressure and bend in your arms to find a comfortable angle and to vary the workout results.
Having your hands slightly in front of the shoulders and your elbows more forward as you press up you emphasize more of the anterior deltoid. If you shift the hands out and flair the elbows out as you press up you can shift the emphasis more on the lateral deltoid, which can lead to more of a rounded or boulder shape in the shoulders.