One of the best ways to improve your fitness is to exercise three to four times a week. And one of the ways to ensure you’ll exercise is if it’s fun.
Training on a 3G Cardio Vibration trainer is enjoyable — and also highly effective. Accelerated Vibration Training, aka AVT, is the fastest growing new form of exercise equipment in the U.S. because it gets great results.
Whether you set the award-winning 3G Cardio 3.0, 5.0 or 6.0 machine for stretching, strength training or massage, you are sure to be pleased with the results.
With that combination of factors going for it, these award-winning machines are sure to “accelerate” your fitness to a new level in 2014.
Rapid movement of the 3G Cardio Vibration Training platform causes the muscles to fire faster than any other type of exercise. The quicker the muscles fatigue, the faster they tire. That means you can complete a total body workout in less than 15 minutes.
By adjusting the acceleration instead of the “Load” it’s much easier on joints and ligaments and allows people to work muscles in ways they never thought possible. That’s why middle-aged people and even senior citizens are realizing exercise benefits that weren’t possible since they were in their teens or 20s – if at all.
However, even elite athletes such as NBA players and Olympians are benefitting from Vibration Training.
Simply put, just about everyone can find their own value in Accelerated Vibration Training.
Accelerated Vibration Training can improve muscle tone and strength, while also boosting the body’s metabolism. That in turn can help with weight loss and appearance.
AVT also increases overall muscle and bone strength, as well as range of motion, flexibility and balance.
Using vibration training can even help with mood as exercising increases serotonin (a hormone associated with relaxation) and circulation (exercise results in an improved flow in the lymphatic system).
Training on a 3G Cardio vibration machine takes a little time to get used to, but couldn’t be easier thanks to the free 3G Cardio Accelerated Vibration Training Exercise App that was launched this past fall.
The interactive app programs are designed to work with an ipad and 3G Cardio 5.0 and 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training machines. Simply mount your ipad onto the 3G Cardio vibration machine using a C-clamp that can be found at a variety of stores.
The ipad app will easily “synch” up with existing, prebuilt programs on your 3G Cardio machine to provide photos, videos and program information to greatly enhance your workout.