Get in, get out and leave with as good a workout as you can get.

Updated 6/15/18 – For many people, that’s the description in a nutshell of what it’s like to exercise on the new 2012 3G Cardio 5 AVT™ Accelerated Vibration Training Plate or 3G Cardio 6 AVT™ Accelerated Vibration Training Plate.

An accelerated vibration training (AVT) workout is a lot more similar to exercising with free weights or exercise machines than a treadmill or elliptical machine.

However, studies show accelerated vibration training will enable the user to work up to 95 percent of the muscle fibers, compared to as little as 20 percent with standard gym equipment.

You do not stand on an accelerated vibration training machine for 20- or 30-minute increments as you might stay on a treadmill or elliptical machine.

Vibration Training Plate Workout with AVT™

The 3G Cardio 5 AVT™ Accelerated Vibration Training Plate has one A-C (alternating current) super-powered motor that sends programmable vibrations through the body, while the 3G Cardio 6 AVT™ Accelerated Vibration Training Plate has two A-C super-powered motors.

The Hertz frequencies on both are adjustable from 30-50 in increments of one, while the amplitude (height the plate rises or lowers) can be also be adjusted. This allows you to finely tune the desired settings.

5 AVT – Learn More »

6 AVT – Learn More »

A sample workout on the 3G Cardio 5.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate or 3G Cardio 6.0 Accelerated Vibration Training Plate would go like this:

  1. STRETCH – Start out with hamstring stretch for three sets of 15-30 seconds. Do lat stretch for three sets of 15-30 seconds. Perform hip flexor stretch for three sets of 15-30 seconds. Do these on lower Hertz level.
  2. CORE WORK – Continue to warm up into exercising with three sets of 10 exercises for balance and core: step-ups on and off plate; single-leg balance (hold for whatever duration you’re comfortable). You can also do lunges with one foot on the Power Plate and one foot on the floor. You can switch between lunging up to the plate and lunging down to the floor to improve balance and the overall workout.
  3. STRENGTH TRAINING – Do an overall body workout on the same day – or break it up into increments on different days (such as legs and back one day, chest and arms another).

Here are some of the best exercises to do:

* Loaded squat (hold squat position) – With feet spaced to either edge of the 3G Cardio 5 AVT Accelerated Vibration Training Plate or 3G Cardio 6 AVT Accelerated Vibration Training Plate, lower your butt down into a sit-squat. To make the workout harder avoid holding the machine’s upright bar, forcing your legs to adjust more to the accelerated vibration training (AVT). You can bring your legs closer together to do a traditional squat as well.

* BENT OVER ROW – Will work the back and shoulders.

* DIPS – Will work the shoulders and triceps.

Adjust the Hertz settings to make it easier or harder.

There are dozens and dozens of other strength training exercises you can do on a 3G Cardio 5 AVT Accelerated Vibration Training Plate or 3G Cardio 6 AVT Accelerated Vibration Training Plate. These are just a few examples.

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