Accelerated vibration training, also known as whole body vibration training, allows people to have the best of both worlds.
You can improve your muscle tone, physique and even overall health while performing AVT in less time and often with better results than through traditional exercise methods.
Think about it, wouldn’t we all like to be able to do more in less time?
More and more people every day are singing the praises of vibration training, which can be done on award-winning machines such as the 3G Cardio AVT Vibration Machines.
A recent article from bulletproofexec.com explained the numerous benefits of vibration training.
It pointed out that athletes such as Rafeal Nadal, Serena Williams, Olympian Rebecca Romero, and the whole NFL Broncos team get an extra edge through WBV Training.
Obviously, most people are nowhere close to being elite athletes, but vibration training can help improve just about anyone’s fitness and health.
“Whole Body Vibration Training boosts your fitness, strength, tone, strength, flexibility, bone density, and range of motion all in a time-efficient manner,” Bulletproofexec.com reported. “Like 15 minutes. That is what I call a fitness hack!”
When a person stands on a vibration platform and performs various exercises, or holds stretches, the vibrations cause the muscles to contract at a much higher and more effective rate than traditional exercise. In fact, a lot more than just your muscles benefit.
“WBVT consists of standing on a platform that vibrates in a way designed to stimulate your hormonal, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and nervous systems simultaneously,” Bulletproofexec.com reported. “You can use it to get the lymphatic and circulatory benefits of hours of walking, or you can perform some simple exercises, Body by Science style, to get actual exercise that grows muscle.”
In conventional workouts, the formula at play is Force=Mass x Acceleration. Simply stated, increasing either of these increases strength. For WBV Training, the mass is your body and the vibration is the acceleration, Bulletproffexec.com explained.
“Using your body and the vibration, the WBV Plate also uses Gravity as another form of acceleration to generate “G-forces.” It naturally incorporates more acceleration so you become stronger.”
Don’t just take my word for it, or that of the Bulletproofexec.com, or even the aforementioned star athletes.
According to vibration-machine-reviews.com, 3G Cardio produces high-quality vibration machines, which are capable of producing the high G-forces necessary to provide a worthwhile workout. Don’t be fooled by cheap knock-offs.
Try out a vibration training machine at any one of the 100s of 3G Cardio dealers nationwide. It will be one of the best moves you’ve ever made.