When it comes to value among premium home treadmills and entry level commercial grade models, 3G Cardio literally takes the “title belt.”
The 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill gives people the opportunity to own a high-end treadmill at an affordable cost of $3,999. No other competitor can match that.
This Best Buy winning model is highlighted by an oversized running surface that’s powered by a big, strong DC 4.0 hp motor that drives a 22×62 commercial Ortho Flex Shock™ suspension system. This is the same orthopedic belt that’s on treadmills that are priced for thousands more.
How is 3G Cardio able to beat the competitors by thousands in the high-end treadmill category? The 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill has all the necessary built-in electronics you need — and nothing you don’t. In other words, 3G Cardio kept its console basic, but highly functional. That saves lots of money by not having unnecessary bells and whistles on its treadmill like most high-end competitors so that 3G can focus the investment on the treadmill belt, motor and heavy duty frame.
If you prefer fancy electronics, simply hook up your iPad or other portable devices into the 3G Cardio USB port. You could even by a new iPod and still save greatly over the other high-end treadmills.
And the workout experience is second to none thanks to the orthopedic belt.
The 3G Cardio Elite Runner treadmill is a full-size, commercial quality machine with a weight of 386 pounds.
You’ll get the smoothest, steadiest treadmill walk or run out there with the 3G Cardio orthopedic belt, which is much better quality than cheap department store or bargain units. The 3G Cardio orthopedic belt will cushion the impact when the foot strikes and reduce some of the shock.
The 3G Cardio Pro Runner Treadmill ($2,499) also has the Ortho Flex Shock™ suspension system.
Try out the new 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill and Pro Runner Treadmill at one of the hundreds of 3G Cardio dealers nationwide.