A recent “Men’s Journal” article really shines a positive spotlight on vibration training — when performed on the right kind of machine.
There’s an old saying that “one bad apple can spoil the bunch” and that’s happened for some people who’ve studied or critiqued vibration training.
“Most ‘failed’ studies (on vibration training) were conducted on sub-par machines, and that’s why they failed to produce any substantial results,” Gabriel Ettenson, a Boulder, Colorado-based physical therapist, told Men’s Journal. “Of the tremendous number of ‘positive’ studies, 85 to 90 percent were done one particular platform called the Galileo, a high G-force machine.
“They simulate higher levels of gravity, or increase G-forces, through a plate that oscillates up and down at varying intensities,” Ettenson continued.
According to vibration-machine-reviews.com, 3G Cardio also produces high-quality vibration machines, which are capable of producing the high G-forces necessary to provide a worthwhile workout.
In fact, 3G Cardio’s machines are actually better for you according to this review site because they are “vertical motion machines.”
“If you try a vertical motion vibration machine you will not be able to see your knee moving up and down,” vibration-machine-reviews.com reports. “Vertical based vibration machines generate a higher Hertz and lower amplitude motion, which in turn will give you all the benefits you have read about online.
“There are over 100 brands of vibration machines on the market today and unfortunately many of these brands are deceitful in their advertising and of sub par quality and people need to be really careful to not fall for the hype.”
Vibration machines produce G-forces that cause the muscles to react to the instability while standing on the platform and contract thousands of times per minute.
The result is a workout that’s easy on your joints and ligaments, but one that forces your body to become leaner to deal with the constant force.
“Simulated G-forces can also help build bone density, boost circulation, and improve balance,” Ettenson told Men’s Journal, adding that vibration platforms have also proven effective in helping people with osteoporosis and muscular disorders.
Vibration-machine-reviews.com recommends these leading vertical style vibration plate brands: Power Plate – 3G Cardio – Powervibe – DKN – BH Fitness. These are the types of vertical motion machines that half the NFL teams use, as well as a growing number of college teams.
Go into a specialty fitness store and try one out and learn more about vibration training.
“Whatever model or style you choose, make sure you have at least a 30 day money back guarantee,” Vibration-machine-reviews.com cautions. “Any reputable retailer will have this return opportunity because the last thing you want is an expensive machine that does not work for you.”